Sources (oh don't you love the unamed sources) say... that Mariah Carey was denied entry to Hyde nightclub (YEAH RIGHT!!!), and proceeded to Winston's in West Hollywood with none other than retired Laker Rick Fox! Nothing looked suspicious as he strolled in the club by himself, and moments later Ms Carey showed up with her good friend Rachel and her bodyguard Rob. (Mark Sudack? no where to be found) and insiders say they snuggled and danced in their seats to "Fantasy" and having drinks. Rick Fox exits and goes to his SUV and waits, while Mariah and her folk load back into her Bentley and roll off, with Rick Fox following close behind! Hmmmm now lambs how many rumors have we heard that come out to be so untrue. There is video footage at X17 online, but doesn't remotely show the alleged connection of Mr Fox and Ms. Carey. Rep for both say they are not dating. Mariahis just single and ready to mingle and sources say she is in L.A for work...working on a film... a little film called DON'T MESS WITHT HE ZOHAN w/ Adam Sandler. So we'll see if Mariah will be having more male callers her way!
Video here:Mariah and Rick Fox video
in other news- The ANTICIPATED "AS YET UNTITLED ALBUM" is pushed back until February 2008
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